Privacy Policy

Effec­tive Date: 1 Septem­ber 2024

1. Intro­duc­tion

Knowledge Manage­ment Associa­tes Austria (KMA) is commit­ted to protec­ting your privacy and ensuring that your perso­nal data is handled in a safe and respon­si­ble manner. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your perso­nal data in compli­ance with the General Data Protec­tion Regula­tion (GDPR) and other appli­ca­ble privacy laws.

2. Contact

Knowledge Manage­ment Associa­tes Austria (KMA)
Gerst­ho­fer Straße 162, 1180 Vienna, Austria

3. Types of Perso­nal Data Collected 

We may collect and process the follo­wing types of perso­nal data through our website:

  • IP Address: Collec­ted automa­ti­cally when you visit our website to help us under­stand how our site is used and to improve our services.
  • Name, Email Address, Billing Infor­ma­tion: Collec­ted through Event­brite for proces­sing regis­tra­ti­ons, payments, and event-related infor­ma­tion associa­ted with our events. The provi­sion of this infor­ma­tion is requi­red to enable your parti­ci­pa­tion in the events.

4. Purpose of Data Collection

The perso­nal data we collect is utili­zed for the follo­wing purposes:

  • Contac­ting Users: We may use your contact infor­ma­tion to respond to inqui­ries, provide custo­mer support, and send event-related communications.
  • User Regis­tra­tion: When you regis­ter for events, we will use your perso­nal data to create your user account and manage your participation.
  • Event Infor­ma­tion: We will send you important infor­ma­tion regar­ding events, inclu­ding updates, changes, and related materials.
  • Marke­ting Activi­ties: We may use your infor­ma­tion to inform you about future events and related services.

5. Legal Basis for Proces­sing Perso­nal Data

We process your perso­nal data based on the follo­wing legal grounds:

  • Consent: Where you have given expli­cit consent for us to process your perso­nal data for speci­fic purpo­ses, you may withdraw this consent at any time.
  • Event Regis­tra­ti­ons: When proces­sing is neces­sary for managing your regis­tra­tion for our events.
  • Legiti­mate Interest: To pursue our legiti­mate interests, provi­ded that your interests and funda­men­tal rights do not override those interests.

6. Sharing Perso­nal Data with Third Parties 

We may share your perso­nal data with trusted third parties to facili­tate our operations:

  • Event­brite: We utilize Event­brite to manage event regis­tra­ti­ons and process billing infor­ma­tion securely. Event­brite Privacy Policy
  • Brevo: We use Brevo for our newslet­ter services to commu­ni­cate with you about events and updates. Brevo Privacy Policy 
  • Matomo: We employ Matomo for statis­ti­cal analy­sis to help us under­stand website usage and improve our services. Matomo Privacy Policy 

All third parties are bound by confi­den­tia­lity obliga­ti­ons to protect your data and are requi­red to comply with GDPR standards.

7. User Rights 

You have the follo­wing rights regar­ding your perso­nal data:

  • Right to Access: You can request a copy of the perso­nal data we hold about you.
  • Right to Recti­fi­ca­tion: You have the right to request that we correct any inaccu­ra­cies in your perso­nal data.
  • Right to Erasure: You may request that we delete your perso­nal data under certain conditions.

To exercise these rights, please contact us at: You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Austrian Data Protec­tion Autho­rity if you believe your rights have been violated.

8. Cookies

Our website uses cookies to enhance your experi­ence and improve our services. We utilize the follo­wing types of cookies:

  • Techni­cal Cookies: Essen­tial for the functio­ning of our website and enabling navigation.
  • Matomo Analy­ti­cal Cookies: Help us under­stand how visitors inter­act with our website, allowing us to improve user experi­ence and site performance.

We provide a cookie banner upon your first visit to allow you to consent to or decline the use of cookies. You can change your cookie prefe­ren­ces at any time.

9. Newslet­ter and Marke­ting Activities 

We offer an optio­nal newslet­ter through Brevo to keep you infor­med about upcoming events and relevant infor­ma­tion. Subscrip­tion to our newslet­ter requi­res a double opt-in process, ensuring that you have expli­citly consen­ted to receive commu­ni­ca­ti­ons from us. You can unsub­scribe from our newslet­ter at any time by follo­wing the instruc­tions provi­ded in the email. We will retain your data for marke­ting purpo­ses only as long as you remain subscribed.

10. Security Measures

To protect your perso­nal data from unaut­ho­ri­zed access, use, or disclo­sure, we imple­ment appro­priate techni­cal and organiza­tio­nal measu­res. We utilize SSL encryp­tion to ensure that your perso­nal data is trans­mit­ted securely over the inter­net. Regular security assess­ments and updates are perfor­med to maintain data integrity and security.